Saturday, June 16, 2007

I give up

Everyone else has a damn Blogger, so now I have one too. I suppose that I'll remain true to my title and post about the physics lab I'm teaching this summer.

Friday's class: Lab manuals still aren't in, and won't be until Monday-ish, so I taught them about error analysis basically off the top of my head. Out of five people, about two were obviously paying attention, one guy was more or less asleep in the back, and the others are a mystery to me. We'll see if their quiz grades on Tuesday bear this out. I told them repeatedly what I'm going to be asking them, so really nobody has any excuse.

Technically speaking, we're supposed to be doing a lab on Ohm's Law on Tuesday, but since I've never seen the lab manual and won't until the day before the lab, who knows what's going to happen? This will be fun for everyone. Thank God for the Monday setup meeting.

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